Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Home made soya milk

Soya milk... yum :) it has many nutritive value. 

I found a post about how to make our own soya milk, so I want to try. 

It is the 2nd time I make it! I really love the result, though the process is a bit frustrating... last time I made it I said it would be my last time to make it. Yet, I still want to do it after tasting the soya milk... 
It is a real reward. I always think of the farmers who grow rice when I drink the soya milk! What a hard work but it brings a wonderful reward!

Anyways, my kitchen is the victim when I make the soya milk, because the process is a bit complicated and I always make it messy (I really hate messing around the kitchen)

If you want to try - I used 1500ml water & 500g soya bean & Sugar (optional - I don't add it)

1. Soak the soya bean in water (largely cover the bean because the bean absorbs the water quickly) for at least 5hours - I always soak it over night

2. Mix the soya bean & 500ml in the food processor. 
Note that you don't need to mix it for too long time to make the beans become too fine for the 1st time.

3. Squeeze it in a fine fabric bag, you can see the milky water, good news :)

4. Put back the squeezed soya bean into the food processor and then repeat step 2 & 3 for 2 times more

5a. Optional: You can add sugar into the soya milk and you can boil it now

5b. If you don't add sugar, then you can directly boil the soya milk in a pot - better to use higher height ones... because when you boil it the milk will form bubble and will spread everywhere once it is boiling...
When it is boiled, keep boiling it at low heat for 8 mins.

6. Done - Enjoy!

Please let me know if you have any question :) I will be happy to answer you if I can!

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