Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ice skin mooncake to celebrate mid-autumn festival

It will be Chinese mid-autumn festival soon (in September), I see tons of photos on facebook this few weeks. That makes me want to make some also :)

The ingredients of ice skin mooncake is very similar to those of Mochi. Thanks to Christine's recipe I can enjoy the mooncake!

Ice skin dough:
40g glutinous flour
35g rice flour
18g all purpose flour
55g sugar
200ml milk
20ml vegetable oil

corn starch

250 - 300g red bean paste or custard

To prepare the mooncake dough
1. Mix sugar, milk & oil

2. Add in all kinds of flour, mix well until without lumps, you can use spetula to press the lumps, let it rest for 35mins

3. Prepare the steamer when the mixture is nearly ready to steam. Steam the mixture under high fire for 20mins until the dough is completely cooked.
Then use a spoon to stir the dough (it takes some time to stir until smooth). Let cool

To wrap the filling into the mooncake dough
1. Place the dough on a lighlty floured surface - use corn starch.
Divide the dough into about 12 portions (it depends on the size of the mooncake mould or cookie cutter you use, you can use any shape that you like)

2. Use your hands to shape the dough into ball shape. Sprinkle some corn starch on the rolling pin, then roll out the dough. If the dough is sticky, sprinkle some corn starch on the dough as well

3. Put some red bean paste on the center of the dough, do not put too much otherwise you can't close the dough
wrap & close the dough by squeezing the edge toward center

4. Make sure the dough is not sticky before you place it in the cookie cutter or mooncake mould, press the dough with your fingers to fit the size of the mould and flatten the dough. Remove the mould/ cookie cutter
Freeze it for 6 hours before serving


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