Thursday, April 23, 2015

Red bean brioche - use leftover red bean paste

Some red bean paste left in the fridge - it is perfect for making filling of brioche!

I just use the recipe of the utane/tangzhong brioche, and fill in some red bean paste in the dough.

Follow the recipe of the brioche in my blog until steps 4. Here are the next steps:

5. Roll out each portion into oval shape (horizontal => longer), in the middle of the dough, spread the red bean paste on the surface evenly, leave each side 1/4 without the red bean paste

6. Fold both sides left and right towards the center, use your finger to press opening around the dough so that the red bean won't leak out
Roll the dough flat

7. Turn the dough 90°, fold 1/3 of the left towards the center, then 1/3 of the right towards the center

8. Roll out the dough to become flat again, then now you can roll the dough toward the one end to become cylinder shape

9. Now you should have 3 portions of dough filled with red bean paste

10. Place 3 portions into the toast mold, let it rise until the size is doubled, about 1.5hour (depend on the temperature and humidity), it takes longer time if cold and dry

11. Preheat the oven to 180°c (10mins to preheat). Brush egg on the top of the dough, then put into the oven and bake for about 35mins


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