Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Utane method of making bread - create super soft texture

I have been making bread for a year, from the beginning that I knew nothing about making bread (no technique no skills), then knowing using the yeast, how to rise the dough, how to knead the bread.... after having lots of failures, I can say now I KNOW how to make bread! I'm so proud because I didn't take any class, I like self learning to discover new things lol

There are so things to learn on internet, I saw a method to make bread to make it softer - overnight dough - by putting the dough in the fridge a night before ... this summer, I found a better method to soften the bread! The texture is spongy & soft, it is the best method that I found until now.

So, let me share with you - Utane dough method. This method is from Japan - you must learn it if you like making bread!

The ingredients needed are flour & water, the portion is important
Water : flour = 5 : 1
For example: 50g water: 10g flour

1. Mix water and flour in a sauce pan, make sure the flour is well dissolved into the water, you can use a spetula to press the flour lumps => until there is no lumps left

2. Turn on the heat to medium at the beginning, when the mixture start being heat (you can start seeing a bit of steam), then reduce the heat to low.
Use a spetula to stir the mixture - KEEP stirring it so that no lumps formed (over cooked)

3. KEEP stirring... until the mixture becomes thickened
How to know when it is ready? when you stir the mixture, the stir trace/mark is shown clearly

4. Cool down the mixture, it is ready!

*You can watch this video to get a better picture - I would prefer using a spetula

Next time I will share the recipe of brioche - see the photos of my last post ;)

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