Friday, September 18, 2015

Pumpkin lentil soup

I saw some pumpkins in the supermarket, they are cheap, so I bought some home to make a soup :) It's great to eat soup during cold days!

I asked my husband to cut it into pieces. It's quite hard and I am not strong enough :s

About the portion of the ingredients I used, I didn't measure them precisely, just do according to your preference and adjust yourself.

1 kg pumpkin
1 cup red lentils
1/2 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 cup cream

1. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces, remove the skin & the seeds

2. Put the chopped pumpkin and red lentils into a large pot, add water until it is cover the ingredients

3. When the water is boiled, let it cook at medium heat until the pumpkins are soft
Notes: It takes about 10-15mins, but just use a fork and poke into the pumpkins to see if it is easy to poke in, if yes = ready!

4. Add in cinnamon & cream (some people might like to add cloves/nutmeg.... be creative!)
Use a hand mixer to mix the ingredients to purée like soup :)

Oh you can add grated cheese on the top... yummmmm

Serve hot!


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