Thursday, May 19, 2016

Furikake - Japanese rice seasoning

I always see Japanese rice seasoning sold at the Chinese or Asian supermarket, but now I know I can make it by myself! yay! It is healthier and you can control the taste by adjusting sugar and salt content!

Used kombu, squeezed out as much as water you can
Used bonito flakes, squeezed out as much as water you can

1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp mirin
1 tsp soy sauce (only for used kombu & bonito - lose some salty flavor)

1/2 tbsp white sesame seeds

1. Cut kombu into small pieces

2. In a small sauce pan, at medium heat, fry kombu & bonito flakes until they can be separated

3. Add in sugar, mirin & soy sauce, stir fry them at medium low heat until liquid is completely evaporated

4. Add in white sesame seeds & turn off the heat
Let it cool down completely, store in an air-tight container for a week or freeze it

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