Saturday, May 7, 2016

French version taboulé

I think most of the French know how to make taboulé (?) it is easy and healthy and delicious. One of the best food for picnic, or when you have barbecue, it is a good side-dish :D

Ingredients (6-8 serving)
500g couscous
olive oil
lemon juice

4 medium size tomatoes
1 medium size cucumber

You can adjust the quantity of tomato & cucumber

1. Prepare taboulé 1 day before serving
In a large mixing bowl, mix couscous, olive oil & lemon juice, keep stirring it until the couscous are like sand falling off when you mix them, you can see it is wet though, then you can stop adding oil & juice

Note 1:If you like sour taste, add more lemon juice
Note 2: The taboulé will swell because the couscous absorbs oil & juice

2. Before you sleep, check if the couscous becomes soften. Add in more lemon juice if needed

3. The day right before serving: add in diced tomato & cucumber & persil

Serve cold

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