Monday, November 30, 2015

Pumpkin cheese cake with speculoo base

Thanksgiving is over, but winter is not over yet. I like pumpkin and I found a recipe of pumpkin cheese cake. I altered this recipe because I think speculoo is perfect with pumpkin and the spices.

Ingredients (9"amovible mould)

125g speculoo
75g butter
1/2tsp cinnamon

230g cream cheese in room temperature (I used Philadelphia)
1/4 cup sour cream
425g pumpkin puree (= one can)
3 eggs
1tsp vanilla extract

1 cup sugar (original recipe= 1.5cup)
1tsp cinnamon
1/4tsp nutmeg
1/8tsp cloves
2tbsp flour

Whipping cream
Optional: cinnamon powder

1. Preheat the oven at 150°c
Line the mould bottom with baking sheet

2. In the food processor, mix all crust ingredients
Place the crust mixture on the mould, use a spoon to press the mixture evenly until it becomes smooths
Set aside

3. In a mixing bowl, to prepare the filling - beat cream cheese until it becomes smooth
Add in other wet ingredients and mix well

4. Add in all dry ingredients, mix well

5. Pour the filling onto the mould

6. Bake for 40mins, leave it in the oven with the door close for another 40mins
Take the cake out and let it cool down
Put it into the fridge for 1 hour or until it is cold

7. When serve, put whipping cream on the top
You might sprinkle some cinnamon powder if you love it!


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