Monday, August 24, 2015

Apple tart - recipe Cordon bleu

It has been long time that I made apple pie! Autumn is coming, apple pie is the best match with the weather :)

If you want to make your own pie crust, you can choose between the following recipe
Shortcrust pastry (highly recommend)
- Fast & easy pie crust

For the topping I recommend to use green apples because when you bake in the oven, the red apples become soft and collapse while the green apples hold better the shape

Ingredients (for 16.5cm/6.5"ring mould)

Apple filling

2.5-3 red apples, peeled and chopped into small pieces
30g butter
30g cane sugar/ brown sugar

2-2.5 green apples
some butter
cane sugar/ brown sugar

1. Prepare the pie crust the night before, store in the fridge in plastic wrap (well wrapped)

2. The next day: roll out the pie crust evenly, place it on the mould
Use a fork, pinch some holes at the bottom
Put in the freezer (you can also put in the fridge)

3. Prepare the apple filling
Put all ingredients EXCEPT apples in a sauce pan, stir them until they blend together

4. Add in red apples, let it cook at medium heat until the apples are not too soft
Use a fork to test:
if you need some force to poke into the apple => not ok
if you can poke into the apple quite easily => ok
be careful overcook the apples = too soft, you can tell by appearance by the cut edge becomes round

Let it cool down

5. When the apple filling is nearly cool down, prepare the topping
Slice the green apples
Melt some butter

Preheat the oven at 180°c

6. Assemble:
Take the crust out from the freezer / fridge
Place the apple filling on the crust, avoid the juice pouring into the crust, which will soften the crust during baking

7. Place carefully the sliced green apples, place them around the edge, then towards the center

Brush some melted butter on the apple topping carefully!
Then sprinkle some cane sugar on the top

8. Bake for 40mins or until the crust becomes golden

You can serve with crème fraîche or greek yogurt or vanilla ice-cream or caramel sauce ... yummmmm


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