Friday, January 24, 2014

One of my favorite cooking method - Steaming

Steaming - traditional Chinese cooking method, especially for dim sum :) I miss dim sum!

It can conserve better the nutritive value of food than other cooking method.

It is also healthier since you don't need to add oil.

Therefore, we decided to buy a steamer and make some Chinese dim sum (very excited).

In the Chinese supermarket we had 2 choices - plastic ones & bamboo ones... We decided to buy bamboo ones because I am not sure if plastic can have some negative effect to our health in long term... 

It is very simple to use - put the steamer on the top of a pot. The pot size should be exactly the same as the steamer or a bit smaller.

If you have never used it, you may want to read the following part.

There are some care instructions of using bamboo steamer:

1. If you want to use it for longer time, then you should line a baking sheet at the bottom each time you use it

2. During the steaming process, you need to be careful of the water level, do not let it dry up!

3. When the food is well cooked, turn off the heat, remove the steamer carefully, and then open the lid & lift it away from you - to avoid burning yourself...

4. Do not put the bamboo steamer in the dishwasher, just use hot soapy water and rinse well. Let it dry completely before you store it.


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